Thursday, February 28, 2013

High Heels

The other day Adrie was helping me put the finishing touches on my Sunday outfit. Translation: Adrie was going through my small collection of shoes trying to pick the right pair.  She has been asking for high heels since she was three.  For the millionth time she asked when she could get high heels and I said "OK, A, you can probably get high heels when you are 15." 

She said "Oh!  Lucky Joseph!  He only has a year to wait!"

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Washing Dishes

Katie was on dish duty this week.  I left her for a few minutes to finish up the last dish.  When I came back she had figured out a better way to wash dishes. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We Care

Do they really care?  Have you ever received one of these great envelopes from the post office? Even though I wasn't too happy about my half of the envelope, I got a big laugh out of the apology letter from the post office.  How can you be mad when they apologize so profusely? 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

She's a grandma and a great grandma and a great great grandma. . .

Skye got Sea Monkeys for Christmas.  She is taking her pet responsibilities very seriously.  We spent quite a bit of time researching these small pets and what our responsibility to them would entail.  Not much.  Brine shrimp are fairly happy pets.  They like their water to be a bit salty and quite a bit scummy.  They reproduce very very quickly.  One morning Skye checked her brine shrimp and started jumping up and down because she could see little tiny babies swimming around.  I told her she was a Grandma and you should have seen her smile.  Now we have new babies every day.  I think it is turning into a Henry Huggins guppy experience.  We are almost out of food and so I have been doing extensive research about what you feed brine shrimp.  One website revealed a detailed recipe with a 35 step process that included egg yolk and rolling little pellets by hand and baking.  Who knew?!  You can't really buy replacement food.  Most sites suggest buying a new pack of brine shrimp ($8 amazon). But then we are faced with the moral dilemma- they new pack does come with food but it also comes with new eggs.  Do we throw the unhatched brine shrimp away?  If we hatch the new shrimp we will have twice the number of Sea Monkeys to feed.  And we will need more food.

Maybe we can start our own oolitic sand production plant!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

To Do

I have used a to do list since Jr High.  Sometimes I wish that they were simple what to do today list.  In high school they would include papers that were due months away.  Now they are reminders of things that I need to accomplish today, tommorrow or months away.   My top favorite things on my list right now:
Sea monkey food
Prepare for Board of Review
Sale items on KSL

My Dad would say that I am retro using a paper a pencil:-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I may learn to ski

Yesterday Katie was my skiing buddy.  The older kids do their own thing as buddies, Paul was working with Nathan, and I got to ski with Kate.  Small problem.  I can't keep up with this sweetheart.  She knows how to snowplow, she knows how to stop and turn, she can practically ski backwards, but mostly she just sets her skis straight and heads down the mountain.  On the other hand, I attempt semi graceful turns across the mountain which my kids tell me look more like an awkward snowplow.  The rule of buddies is that you stick together.  So I may learn to ski fast because I have to keep up with Kate. 

PS Skiing has changed how I view winters in UT.  I used to feel so shut in and now it is just a different season- besides there is rarely an inversion (yucky air quality rolling around in the valley getting worse and worse) at Sundance! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We're going on a hike

I just saw this picture on my phone.  Joseph and I were on a hike up our canyons and it was warm and beautiful and warm and amazing and warm.  Hmmm I guess I am dreaming of warm today. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sunday Night Forts

The girls had a grand old time playing school and building huge forts all over the house.  I was dreading the mess but they were playing so nicely I let it be.

I can remember playing big games with my sisters (Do you remember Hole?!- where we would go to wonka land and the book that we would pretend to tear pages out that would turn into food- or am I making this up?).  I am sure we made a mess or two.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm Back Again

I decided to change the title of my blog.  I have been thinking a lot about the small and simple things in my life.  Right now I am at a stage where my days are filled with small things.  Cleaning up breakfast, laughing with Katie, putting coats on, practicing piano, trying to get to bed on time (for all of us).  I wanted to start sharing the small and simple parts of my life because they bring me a lot of joy and someday I hope they will add up to a great thing. 

This week Paul got sick.  Although I felt badly for him (I really did!), I was a little happy that I got to go for my favorite run after the kids headed to school.

I call it Blue Silo Run.  Because I run past the blue silos.  It was beautiful.