Thursday, April 30, 2009

Daily Daffodil 4/30

Dear Mindy,

I always think it is funny when people tell me that the Tanner sisters all look alike. Of course, looking at the above picture of us, I must admit I can see the family resemblance! However, I would like to note that we did part our hair different directions (how much hairspray did those bangs take?!). From our perspective, we don't look alike at all because we know the personalities behind the people. How can 5 sisters be so very different and yet so very similar? How can I instantly know my sister's voice and yet know that we all really do sound the same? I have always deeply appreciated your talents, especially because they are mainly in areas that challenge me.

Beauty and creation come so naturally to you. I know how hard you work to create something beautiful, but honestly, even if I worked that hard, I would not have the same end product. Wedding cakes, restoring doll houses, drawing, design, flower arranging, and photography are a few of the many arts that I am continually amazed to see you create. Even the sugar cookies you make and decorate are works of art!

I especially treasure our time together at college: eating watermelon, hiking the Subway, taking care of that cute baby Robkins, you bringing me bagels, and all the other good times we shared! I am so grateful you are my sister!

I love you!


  1. You keep hitting the nail on the head with these daffodil posts. :) Different and alike. Love you, Mindy!

  2. Now that I'm back in Arizona, I keep meeting people who say "you look like a Tanner!" Most of them know you, which is a tribute to your friendly, outgoing nature.

    Thanks for your kind letter, which brought back so many fond memories. We live too far apart to see each other often, so I am glad we have email and phones. I love you.

    Love, Mindy
