Tuesday, January 24, 2012



They are nice and kind
They care for me

They have a smile
They laugh at jokes
and are lots of fun

They love me so
and you should hear them
say good night

Skye Marie Seamons

Skye left us a little paper with a Hiqu (Haiku) that she had written.  She didn't get the form totally correct but I thought they were sweet.  The poems were also a much needed boost to my parenting confidence!  Although I am left wondering why our good night is so memorable!

Monday, January 23, 2012

I May be Biased

But I think Rachel is stunning.  She is quickly growing into a beautiful young lady.  I love my Rachel Bug (and I am so excited that she did her own hair one day last week!  Hurrah!)!

Friday, January 6, 2012

I Hope You Don't End Up In

It is always interesting to watch the creative games my children play.  They love to play bank, store, library, church, and many other amazing games.  One child in particular is the leader in these creative games.  She frequently will label rooms "Rabbit Hill School" and "Preschool"  (one time my parents got to stay in the preschool- I had forgotten to take down the sign).  The other day I came across this sign and couldn't stop laughing as I imagined her sending someone to the: