Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Reluctant Blogger x6

I am a reluctant blogger.  Meaning I have a love/hate relationship with blogging.  I love following family and friend's blog- to see how their children grow and all the interesting things they do.  I love to see all the incredible things that people do.  I love improving my life because of something I read or see on a blog.  But I don't love the time commitment, the way my brain will take an experience and think "Oh, I can blog about that," and the feelings of inadequacy I have when I see the shiny happy pictures on blogs (you know what I mean- these pictures of beautiful homes, beautiful children, beautiful mothers- while I can personally count 21 things on the floor of my laundry room that don't belong;-).  And I won't even start in on the complexities of finding a voice to my blog (am I witty or profound or journaling- I know I think WAY to much about things like this). This summer I took a break from blogging- and it wasn't even a planned break- I just didn't blog and I was fine with that. 

Then a few weeks ago (maybe a month?!) I was talking to a dear Aunt at a family reunion and she mentioned that she loved reading all the family blogs and that she knew my children through my blog.  I have been thinking about our little conversation and I am ready to blog again.  My family is spread all over the United States and this is one way that we stay close.

Besides, so many things make me happy and I love to share:


  1. if you weren't blogging i wouldn't have been able to read skye's amazing poetry! (but i understand how you feel.)

  2. I have a lot of those same thoughts and feelings. I go back and forth about blogging. But I've finally realized that the main reason I blog is for my own personal family history. I love to document what we do and then print it in a book. I feel like my posts are far from clever and very boring, but I do it for myself because I love having our life documented.

    On a side note - I love reading your blog.
