Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentines Day and A Big Mistake

I have learned to buy valentines early. This year I bought them as soon as Walmart put up the red and pink display (approximately 2 days after Christmas). As I stood in the aisle contemplating my choices I finally settled on three boxes of Disney Princess (gag, but compared to Bratz or Barbie . . .) and one box of a pretty cool little football game. I knew the game would be a hit! Later, I had a brilliant flash of inspiration- or so I thought. I would let Rachel and Joseph split a box of princess and the box of football. Then, all the girls in their class would be happy with princess and all the boys with football. Rachel thought it was a lovely idea and being the organized child that she is, finished her valentines on Monday. Tonight Joseph sat down to do his. I handed him both boxes and started washing dishes. After a minute he said "Uh Mom, I don't have enough football ones." I filled him in on my brilliant idea of the boy/football, girl/ princess valentine. A look of absolute terror crossed his face: "Mom, I cannot pass out princess valentines." Oppps. There went my great idea. I must admit I felt his pain but I had to leave the room to find Paul and laugh, laugh, laugh.

He solved the problem by refusing to put his name on the valentines. He will take princess ones (what option does he have at 8:00 the night before his class party?!) and football ones, but they will be anonymous. I am not pressing the issue.

So, happy Valentines Day! I hope your day includes sugar cookies with pink frosting and perhaps less parental embarrassment than Joseph!


  1. Ha ha. We went with the Dora valentines. And we're making sugar cookies this afternoon!

  2. So funny!

    Actually, my kids have (almost) always given "girl" valentines to the girls and "boy" valentines to the boys. It never occured to me to do that--they just came up with it themselves. This year I had some Cars valentines for Spencer to give out. I had to assure him that it was okay to give them to the girls as well as the boys. (Although I can imagine princess valentines are a little bit harder to sell the other way around!)

  3. I had to print off some nondescript ones from the Internet since I didn't remember Andrew had to take Valentine cards to preschool until the morning of. They turned out OK.

  4. bummer on that failed plan. it sounded good to me too. shows what us mom's know.
