Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sweet Kate's Birthday

Today was Katie's second birthday. It is always a bittersweet birthday because around this point you lose your baby and gain a toddler. Katie celebrated the week by deciding she would sleep in a big bed. It has been the easiest transition from crib to bed of all our children. She even takes naps in her big bed without climbing out!!!

I always make a ducky cake for second birthdays. I have found that almost all two year olds love ducks and can actually say "Duck!" Katie did a great job blowing out her candle. She also did a great job cutting the cake. Yes, Katie is definitely two, and decided that SHE would cut the cake. Instead of dealing with a sobbing pile of child on the floor, we handed her the knife (butter!) and let her cut.

Happy Birthday Sweet Kate. You are a bright joy in our life.


  1. happy birthday kate! i LOVE that first picture!!! so basically her life will chronicle our marriage! that is weird!!!

  2. "sobbing pile of child" aha! a very good 2-year-old term. :) Caroline keeps up a steady chorus of me me me no no no.

    Happy Birthday to sweet Katie!
