Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Very Big Problem

For quite some time after we were married I went to the local laundromat to do our laundry. One day as I waited for the dryer to finish, a mother came in with several children in tow. The kids ran around as she moved several loads of her laundry to different machines. A short time later, the youngest child obviously had a diaper that needed to be changed. The mom took the child to a corner and started the process. Up to this point I was not really paying much attention to the family. In fact, this day at the laundromat would have faded into all the other days if not for the final object the mother pulled out of the diaper bag:
I now watched with interest while she closed the tabs of the diaper and then proceeded to duct tape the child into the diaper (the tape never touched the skin, she wrapped it several times around the top portion of the diaper). She looked up at me and said "He keeps taking his diaper off and I am sick of it!"

Fast forward 11 years and 5 children later. Although I have had several children remove their diapers, Katie is the first to do it constantly. She mimics everything that goes on in this house and has decided that she is ready to be potty trained. I am not ready to go through the process. She is a little young. Unfortunately, every time I tell the kids to use the restroom, Katie includes herself. I am finding diapers everywhere and more often than not we have a little streaker running through the house. So far we have not had any major disasters but the suspense is starting to get to me!

I have two options: try potty training or go out and buy more duct tape. What is your vote?


  1. ah. i vote for duct tape. we find the grodiest diapers around sometimes from our 2 year old. he's a streaker too. and seriously it's NOT WORTH THE MESS! i vote for duct tape!

    good luck!

    hugs, Julie

  2. I say potty train! Millie was successfully pottytrained at 19 months...she was by far the easiest! I think if she's showing signs of being ready, go for it! Think how wonderful it will be to only have one in diapers!

  3. if uncle james votes for duct tape, then i completely support his decision!

  4. How funny! (And what a cute picture of Katie! She has a little curl in her hair?) I would vote for duct tape, also--unless she really is ready. Who, knows? Maybe she could amaze you. She could be the one in a million child who is ready right when they turn 2. (Okay, maybe the odds are better than 1:1000000.)

  5. Duct tape is your friend.

    It was so nice to talk to you today. Thanks for calling!

  6. Duct tape sounds like it is winning.
