Friday, May 15, 2009

Daily Daffodil 5/15

Dear Kate the Great,

What can I say to the sweetest baby? Just when I think you can't get any cuter, you do. The only hard part about having a new baby is that your baby grows up in a day.

One of the funniest things I get to see is you standing up to Joseph. He is at least twice as tall as you and weighs three times as much, but you definitely tell him where to go. Actually, now that I think about it, you pretty much boss the whole family.

Although you will suddenly grow huge when the new baby comes, please remember I still love to rock all my babies.

I love you sweet Katie!


  1. The stroller photo is such a cute one! What a cutie!

    How do they grow so quickly?

  2. love the bottom shot and LOVE katie to pieces! i especially like that she sticks up to her big brother!

  3. Its always sad to have those MOMENTS when you look at your child and they are suddenly bigger. But she looks like such a sassy, beautiful girl. So I guess when you miss a day - that's the clue you're in labor?

  4. I wish I was in labor! Unfortunately, we were just making full use of our last weekend before the baby! I forgot to post!
