Friday, May 8, 2009

Daily Daffodil 5/8

This morning the girls were watching me butter toast and had the following conversation:
Adrie: "I really want to be a mother!" (She is jealous that I get to butter the toast)
Skye: "What?! Toasting everyone's food and eating last?!"

Dear Jared,

You know when you catch a case of the giggles? The kind of laughter that you can't stop. It usually seems to happen during less than jovial times like family prayer or church or dinner. There is usually not a good reason for this laughter- it just starts. Usually there is a partner in this laughter- someone that you can't make eye contact with or the laughter will escape. As you stare desperately at the floor trying to hold the laughter in, you hear a small snort from your partner in laughter. (Why is it that this kind of laughter always comes out in snorts or bursts- often times when you have just taken a drink of water or put food in your mouth?) Now you are in trouble. It is either let the laughter out or desperately try to think of all the sad things in the world. Either way, the tears will begin to stream from your eyes. I am so glad that we have been partners in laughter for all of our lives. I have so many good memories of laughing with you- as we make movies, as we watch cute children, as we quote favorite lines, and as we watch some of those terrible movies that we made (they really should be banned).

Growing up, we shared a unique transition in our family- I was one of the girls, you were one of the boys- but somehow at the point where the two met- a fantastic friendship was formed. Our friendship has always been one of the most enjoyable things in my life.

Recently, as I viewed the images of your brain, I was relieved that there were not any notations "Unexplained damage, possibly due to being dropped on his head by an older sister when he was a baby." Not that I would know anything about you being dropped on your head! As a child, teenager and adult you have tolerated my bossiness and all the wisdom that I chose to bestow on you (oh, how a three year age gap makes me the expert!). I hope that you survived without any damage. Thanks for putting up with me!

I look forward to many more bouts of laughter with you! Hopefully someday we can live closer, but for now, thank you for making us so much a part of your life with your blogs and emails.

I love you!


  1. What a fun thing to share. :)

    Skye is sure the smart one! Happy Mother's Day on Sunday!

  2. Thanks for your kind words! I miss having someone to be giggly with (Kristi keeps my head on nice and straight). I think the reason I was so opposed to giving talks in church when I was younger because I knew at some point I'd have to look at you in the audience and that would make me start laughing! :) Just kidding, but I really couldn't look at you in the audience when giving a talk.

    You always were a great example to me and did impart a lot of wisdom. I just hope I retained and incorporated some of it. I'm looking forward to when we can live closer and start making more movies. :)
